Saturday 18 July 2009

tangents maybe..

okay, so i posted a blog about an hour ago or something, but i felt it was utter drivvle, so i think i should post a proper one that's more.. well, me.
but thanks to my pathetic internet, it didn't let me go on the new post page for about 10 minutes. tiscali is an utterly crap service to be frank, the internet has never actually managed to stay up and working for 24 hours even once. i'm determined to make my brother switch our broadband to O2. not only do i have a decent contract with them, which they forgot about last month actually :D but then it means that my internet has a healthy chance of actually working and not being as slow as a snail drugged with sleeping pills and being humped by a frog due to the date rape drug.
so here i am at 02:17, catching up on Hotel Babylon on bbc iplayer, which is good, until my internet dies, in which case it refuses to do anything but make a pretty flower in the middle of the screen as it tries and fails to load. but bleh :D my life is going alright now actually.
granted, i'm still marginally hung up on an ex of mine, Sebastian, but the need to be with him is fading, it's a relief really, would be lovely to find a guy that is amazing at some point though (: would be nice to have a lovely boyfriend to sleep on again.. actually i never have slept on any boyfriend i ever had.. most i did was use him as a comfy cushion when i was watching a film.. good times. but yeah, my fringe has finally decided to agree with me and working in harmony, i've finished all my GCSE's which were a happy breeze and have at least 2 months extra summer holiday than most other people. i did find it fun to walk through my school when all the evil year 10s (next years 11s) were there trying to set fire to trees or slashing bike tyres or trying to have oral sex at the bottom of the school field.. unfortunately they seem very open to acts of public "affection". i'm all for kissing in public, as long as it doesn't get too heavy. but rolling around butt naked on the school field during the term, even when all year 11s have fled gleefully from JCC grounds. i have good memories of being in main school.. climbing out the art room window, art GCSE was an absolute joke, the teacher hated EVERYONE. no kidding. so if we all fair, it's all because the art teacher was incredibly prone to extreme PMT.
anyway, today i dared to venture into the depths of B&Q as well as moseying round Hinckley with one of my special besties, Daisy, god we had the best GCSE History lessons, i'm going to miss the tart when she goes to Lutterworth for A level because JCC, being as appalling as they are, didn't allow her to take her desired options. but yeah, i have finally managed to persuade my mom to let me redecorate my room, trust me, it needs it. the wallpaper hasn't been changed in the 30 years she's lived in our house. mine's especially awful, so Daisy agreed to amble round B&Q to try and find a selection of wallpapers that i might like, i found a few but not any that i like especially. i really wanted a kind of oriental blossom afair, simple but stunning. so i have finally resorted to hunting the internet and found some really beautiful wall tattoos. i reckon i should be an interior decorator, but i think a writer is slightly more appropriate. either that or a jewelwer.. major addiction to earrings. or a helicopter pilot.. i think it would be cool to fly (:

hrmm, GCSE history lessons.. god they were the stuff of legends. if you ever find stuff about Hitler's left testicle on wikipedia, we took advantage of that knowledge and tried so hard to infiltrate it into paper 1 of the history exam. the "we" would be myself and Daisy. we didn't half take the mick out of our teacher, Mrs Stefaniak to most people, Stefaniak babes to us. her hair seriously looks like she's lobbed a hibernating badger on her noggin. she provided so many good blog posts on another blog of mine.
so yes, the life of an english teenager who has a hint of italian in her blood (:
it's all interesting stuff, so keep reading (:


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